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/craft/ - Minecraft

Official home of NutCraft
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NutCraft release in 1-3 days. >>>/craft/

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IP: mc.thatsnuts.online
Version: 1.20.4
How to join:
-Install prism launcher
-make an instance for 1.20.4
-for mod installer, select fabric
-download these mods https://thatsnuts.online/nutscraft-1.0.0.mrpack and put them into your instance's mod folder
-launch and join
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Server has been successfully migrated

File: 1740477482272.png (22.45 KB, 133x202, 1739758770368q.png)


>macdonalds typing cobson


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>Squirrel Cobson Eating an Acorn




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>taco bell typing cobson

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connection refused: getsockopt award


Try again now

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>Oy vey we are going to add online mode

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Nobody joined


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Tried to shill it on the sharty but soyniggers got too suspicious of the google drive link and kept calling it a virus or a crypto miner. I swear we are trying to get it approved on curseforge but the tranny jannies are so obssesed it takes like 40h to get the modpack approved but then they deny it for no reason


Can somebody that's not banned on the sharty post this please:
Version: 1.20.4
How to join:
-Install prism launcher
-make an instance for 1.20.4
-for mod installer, select fabric
-download these mods https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glEPhFD9uwzyH9Tpy1e3JJRsSXuInhx2/view?usp=drive_link and put them into your instance's mod folder
-launch and join
We have tried numerous times to get the modpack approved by curseforge tranny jannies but they keep leaking and denying it and it taked 40 hours to get it approved. You're going to have to trust me when I say that there is 0 malware or any bad piece of software in the modpack. It's literally all just mods. Server is currently open.



thanks nigga


Will anyone join today?

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Finally got approved.
We're releasing this weekend (school is obsessed with me sadly)
Leave your usernames ITT so I know how many players we have.




File: 1739287250091.gif (409.04 KB, 801x580, 1140 - angry animated ante….gif)

>This project has no files


use the google drive link for now.

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I need playtesters.
client (optional): https://files.catbox.moe/h84sr1.zip
optimizations (pretty much just sodium, highly recommended): https://files.catbox.moe/ljidi8.zip
libraries (required): https://files.catbox.moe/23rf98.zip
server (required): https://files.catbox.moe/uhc579.zip
Add me on the in game friends system added by WorldHost. (TerrorByte69420)
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



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the mod pack link doesn't work, maybe a me problem


Nope, curseforge jannies are just obsessed. We're moving to modrinth



==SERVER RELEASES THIS WEEKEND because school is obsessed thank you for your patience.== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58VHz3Jt5to

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We will release the server as soon I get a host, but I need to know if people are actually gonna come join and be active. Please state if you will be active in the server ITT. (server release in 1-3 days)
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


sounds fun I'll play


I'll play too.


Add worldhost 1.20.4 off of modrinth.
Ill get it in the basic link l8r
Cracked should work


should be on there
use https://steamcommunity.com/groups/squirrelparty as a spot to use vc


i'll play

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